داستان آبیدیک

traditional sol gel glass


1 متالوژی:: شیشه سل-ژل مرسوم (سنتی)

For comparison, the SBET values of traditional sol-gel glasses also have been included. SBET values of MBGs are significantly higher than those of traditional sol-gel glasses exhibiting analogous compositions (Vallet-Reg�, Ragel, and Salinas 2003; Vallet-Reg�, Arcos, and Perez-Pariente 2000; Balas et al. 2001). In the same way (results not shown), pore volume is also higher for MBGs compared to that of traditional sol-gel glasses. Regarding the textural properties, MBGs exhibit higher surface areas and pore vol- umes than traditional sol-gel glasses owing to the presence of the surfactant during the synthesis of the former, which drive the final porosity characteristics. The textural and structural features of MBGs determine their accelerated in vitro bioactive behavior compared with traditional sol-gel glasses with similar composi- tions.

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